Classic Wall Bed with Sliding Dining Table (Dining Table Beds)

Dining Table Beds | A perfect Sleek design for your luxurious need. Soft Landing Technology. Experience it to believe it.

This wall bed comes with an amazing feature. It takes care of your safety and gives you the peace to sleep. If you have a limited space then Flybed can create a space during the day or while bed is not being used. Wall bed is a great way to make your room look bigger, open and airy. You can elevate lifestyle with Flybed. Wall bed is mobile and easy to relocate. This space-saving wall beds comes up with modern technology, unique styling, etc. Flybed guarantees you that all the products are comfortable, functional and of the highest quality.

Dining Features: Bed consists of Sliding Dining Table. When require slide the dining table or else close it.

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